About Us

You arrive at a village, and in this calm environment, one starts to hear echo.
Yannick Noah

Reviving and Nurturing Indian Artisan’s Livelihood By Giving Rebirth to Forgotten Art of Weaving.

India’s attractive and bright colors inspired two college going students to do something with these colors. Weaving was dying in this modern time where sophisticated machines and technology of weaving are becoming hurdles to this primitive hand art which is a source of earning to many villagers. We started the journey of making Indian Charpoy in 2016. Our love of colors and a close connection to village life motivated us to get something creative and sustain the villagers and their art. We received much positive response from our first test and afterwards we started to explore more in this art. We learn and evolve daily with guidance of these fine artists and continuously thrive to give the best to the world and these artists.

old men making rope for charpai.
Artisans working on their projects.
Empowering village artisans through sustainable work.

Our Mission

Brought up in the villages, we know the constraints and struggle we face in towns for financial needs. People have to part from their beloved family members to earn. One can see the pain of separation. Kids undergo this trauma severely. Traumatized by the pain of separation and other social challenges, we decided to initiated a group to help these people through generating earning sources right at their home. We build wooden structure of our goods in our factories and we send these structures to nearby villages so that these artists need not come to cities for their earing. Weaving is hand process and modern machines can not produce the same imperfectly perfect patterns of weaving. Machines and advancement in technology have snatched jobs from many artisans, but weaving is the only art that is still hand processed. Our mission is to help in the growth of Indian village economy and save the dying art of weaving.


Our sole motto is to bring happiness and prosperity to these artisans.

Let us come together and take a step to save this art.

We at Events

Govt. of India has identified our art and it organizes Trade Fairs and Haat Bazars all over India frequently. We are regularly attending these trade fairs. Here are some of the glimpses in those local newspapers.

Mysore Shop of Pour The World
Our Stall at Mysore Trade Fair of Artisan's Association.
Chandigarh Shop of Pour The World
Exhibition at Chandigarh